Bob of Montreal
Monday, April 17, 2006
Participant Films Fulfils Its Promise
Participant films was a new production company in 2005, with the goal to produce films with social goals. It was probably the most ambitious entertainment/social project undertaken since the the 1930s and 40s, when Hollywood cared big about speaking truth to power, until they were red-baited down in the McCarthy era.

Participant had a great year, making three feet-forward films, with great critical reception and fantastic box office. But, while their films raised issues, and sent some people home to talk to their neighbors, they had not yet made a film which would change the world.

Until now.

Participant films has teamed with Al Gore to bring a documentary movie which will be bigger than FAHRENHEIT 911.

The movie, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, covers global warming, and tells, in graphic terms, and with the credibility of an earnest man with nothing to gain and who has already lost everything, why we should all be very, very afraid.

Check out the Trailer on the Apple Website.
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