Bob of Montreal
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Why I don't yet have a Montreal Phone Number
I've been waiting since Jan 13 for my AT&T Wireless number to be ported to Vonage, so that I can keep my 626-840-6930 number. Vonage is modest about what they can accomplsh, advertising only that it will take longer than 20 days -- with an indefinite end date. In other words, your wireless may *never* be moved to Vonage, and it'd be consistent with what they advertise. However, my brother Steve got his Cingular number moved to Vonage in <2 days, so I was hopeful.

Hope misplaced. Two and a half months later, my ATTWS number still hasn't been moved. I've called many times before, and all Vonage would say was "Hasn't happened yet. We can't say when it will." Until today.

I called Vonage to go on a harangue. But the person I talked to did something Vonage had never done before: tell me what actually is going on.

My request for transfer was indeed filed by Jan 13, by Vonage. But on about Feb 17, AT&T came back with "denied" -- reason: they said the account number was wrong. Vonage gave them the account number I had given them (yes, it was correct). Wait again until March 13, when AT&T says "denied": account number wrong. Vonage apparently naively just sent them the correct information, yet again. Today, in response to my complaint, they are "expiditing" the order, and they are sending to AT&T a copy of the paper bill I sent to Vonage, proving my account number is correct.

So now I know what has held up my number transfer: AT&T has been lying to vonage, saying the account number they are providing is wrong, in order to force them to provide paper copies. There's nothing illegal about that, but it is onerous to have to do it for every transfer, and AT&T is probably do it to place an onerous burdeon on Vonage, now that AT&T has decided to enter into Vonage's market -- VoIP phone service.

I hope Vonage gets the number today -- I'd like to keep my old number, and get a new Montreal number on my cell phone.

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