Bob of Montreal
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Black Winds of Death?
[Reuters] I don't think of myself as the militaristic type. Perhaps I'm too forgiving. We got hit, with 3000 killed in two different cities, but we invaded Afghanistan to shut them down there, and Iraq on the pretense of doing so. I'd think we'd bloodied them good and done.

But now, through a channel which claimed the double-bombing of Turkish synagogues last year, and today's Spanish train attacks (190 dead), we have a letter which says the "Winds of Black Death" strike against America is 90 percent ready, from Al Qaeda?

Again, I don't think I'm the militaristic type. Perhaps I'm too forgiving. But if these guys came back with the Black Winds of Death, and kill another few thousand Americans on home soil, then I think we've got to invade Pakistan, Syria, Indonesia, and any place else Al Qaeda has even thought of for a visit.
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